
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Words from pastor Randy 10 minutes before we had our prayer time.

We have been working this week together in different strengths…in each place of ministry. With kids in the Barrio (VBS).  We all show love, some play basketball, some help with crafts, some give hugs, some apply band-aids, some draw or color, some push kids on swings, some throw balls, some play 4 square, some play volleyball, all sang, some took pictures, some pray.  In other places some share a devotion, some play the guitar, some did construction work, everyone washed dishes, some cleaned a house, some made us laugh, some played dominoes with the Veterans (war), some folded clothes, and ate lunch with the homeless, not everyone did everything.

This is a picture of the Church!  Each one doing their part as gifted as called upon.  Willing servants,not everything worked out the way we had planned or thought it would be, yet, Jesus is the Head of the Church, the Sovereign One, and He knows what needs to be done for His people by His people and to show love to lost people and kids.


Pastor Randy Clarke