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Camp Caribe

A Photo Journey of our week working with Camp Caribe


A photo overview of a few of the amazing ways we were able to minister to the island of Puerto Rico.


Camp Caribe is working on building a cement wall for the entrance to the camp. This will give them added security through a lighted path, front gate and camera access for the future.



We had painting crews working every day in 3 locations: a camp dorm, a local house and the rock wall at camp.

The House Painting Crew

“Before” Photo of the house


“During” Photo of the house



 “After” Photo of the house

Our Dorm Painting Crew


Our Rock Wall Painting Crew


We had other groups doing yard work for people in the barrio, prayer walks, as well as working with other local ministries.

Ask The Lord Prayer Walk

Fun at Camp

We were very blessed to stay at Camp Caribe. To learn about the incredible work the staff of Camp Caribe is doing in Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico please check out:


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