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God blessed us with an amazing translator who stayed with us from sun up til sundown.   Everyday, she was there for us going the extra mile.  Training and teaching us the ways of the land. She truly went above and beyond the call of duty! I wanted to know what the name Rosa meant so I found this definition below describes her beautifully.
 Rosa is on the first row with Ridgoberto our radio station host.
  Rosa lead the team in exercises before started painting the Sunday school rooms.
A very beautiful amazing woman. Spanish for Rose and very much like one. Closed like a rose bud and difficult to peel the petal layers but when you water her and let her bloom and flourish at her own time; it’s the most amazing beauty you will ever see. She will give you the jaw dropping WOW factor every time. With her looks and her knowledge. She is the rarest of the rosas. She looks strong but is delicate.

She loves to be pampered and loved but most of all respected. This lovely flower has her ways. If you don’t water her daily she will wilt in your own two hands. If you mistreat her you will get poked by her thorns. Learn to love her for who she is and you will have one amazing electrifying woman right by your side. She will love you and make you feel like no other ever has. Her loyalty and friendship is one you never want to loose. 
She will honestly tell you what you might not want to hear but will always be by your side. At times she is like a child but makes you feel so blessed and ecstatic.

She glows of glitter all over and is ravishing in her own special way. This Rosa I will water thru out my life and hold tightly in my hands. I know the rosa will poke and the flower will close at times but I will hold her in my hands ’til she blooms again

Unknown author