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What the team serving at the San Juan Salvation Army Corps Headquarters had to say about their week in Puerto Rico:

Collin – I’ve always thought that the only people who talk to the Lord and get responses were prophets. But today God gave me a vision of an orange and on a walk I found an orange tree.


Reagan – My favorite moment was when I was able to pray with a man at the Veteran’s hospital. The man had recently lost his foot, and when I gave him my gift, he started to cry. I was able to pray for him with my teammate, Everette.


Autumn – I took time to listen to God’s words and I saw a man in red sitting under an umbrella. Our group planned a prayer walk and set out to find this man. We walked and walked and prayed for directions. We passed several different signs from other members, like the color purple and a left arrow. And then across a busy intersection,we saw him sitting. He wore a red shirt and an apron with a black cap, sitting under an umbrella. I got to pray with him. I felt so awkward about it until he thanked us and said that he really needed it.


Tom – My favorite experience was watching our kids minister in an impromptu VBS that was geared for 3-6 year olds and ended up being a basketball ministry for 4 days with a large group of teen boys. They all stayed of their own free will to listen to a more “grown up” version of the Bible stories, interacted with us, and did not leave even though they had the choice to do so.


Everette- The highlight of my trip was having a member of our group finally break down the walls he’d spent weeks, months, maybe even years building around himself. It was his first mission trip, and during the worship session on the second night, he let himself go in front of all of us. We grew closer together with him and each other. It was definitely a moment to remember.


Madison – My favorite ministry moment this week was when I was able to connect with a family at the park. The family did not speak any English, and my Spanish is only so-so. Even though there was a language barrier, I was able to play volleyball, and teach some children how to ride a ripstick. I was also given the chance to learn about what the kids love, and the kind of people they are. The smile on their mother’s face made it even more worth while when I saw how happy it made her to see her children laughing and playing with me. My heart soared.


Kayla – My favorite mission moments were a the V.A. and during VBS. At VBS all of the teenagers who happened to be at the park stayed for the Bible story and paid attention. At the V.A. we handed out bags and one guy thought he had to donate something to get the bag. Once he found out he didn’t have to, it was amazing to see how much his face lit up.