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Thoughts & Inspiration

Participants share their stories and thoughts of their week in Puerto Rico

The greatest thing about this mission trip was meeting all the new people both from Puerto Rico and the states. The future of Christianity in America and across the world will lay on the shoulders of those who stick together under Christ. This trip builds great contacts for that mission along with serving others in need. I see more how blessed I am to be an American. God has opened my eyes more to the amazing life I have been given. All parts of Camp Caribe worked to build people closer to God this week including me. I appreciate the kindness given to me this week and I hope all the staff understands how thankful I believe we all are for this mission trip. I hope to return and further help people on this island in any way that I can. Respectfully, Luke


It such a blessing to be able to go to the rehabilitation center. I met this man named Greg. Greg will get out of there in 1 year and 7 months. I can tell that he is really serious and committed about repairing his life. We talked for around 2 hours. I committed to pray for him and he said he would also pray. What a blessing to talk with him about God. I tried to encourage him, but really he encouraged me. This was GREAT! Grant -Adult Church Leader

My favorite part of being in Puerto Rico was the prayer walk. It humbled me and taught me to not take what I have or granted. Matthew age 17

My favorite part of ministry was helping with construction on the wall and finishing it!! I also liked the prayer walk too. Ben- Teen Participant