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Saving Grace in Puerto Rico

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The trip took about six hours to get here, but it was totally worth it. Jeremy was taking many selfies on the way and even though this trip here was long we made it through. The funny jokes and stories and the talking made it way easier to make it through. Some people had their first plane ride ever and I think that they should be applauded because they went out of their comfort zone to come here and help the people of Puerto Rico. Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Joseph:Desktop:hunter blogs:DSC_0020.JPG


We are here in this beautiful place! Everyone is glad and streching because the long car rides and plane ride. We run around on the beach and some people even get in! Our welcome couldn’t get any better. We all were thanking God that we got here safely.


The games around the palm trees may be my favorite thing at this wonderful place. This place makes us bond and this Titanic game made my day yesterday. The object of this game is to balance out this board so that both sides aren’t touching the ground. It was very fun to see the whole church laughing, bonding, and trying to figure out this solution together. I think God really connected with God because everyone was working as a team.

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Gaga is a game that we were introduced to at River Valley Ranch. This game is one of the best games in my opinion. STONE Mason hits the ball very well and nearly wins everytime, but a new guy came along named Ben. Ben is John’s son and he may be the best Gaga player I’ve ever seen. Mason and Ben won time after time after time. Stone Mason was representing Maryland well.

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We ended off the day as well as it could ever get! Smores! Smores are delicious and they are chocolate, gram crackers, and marshmellows. Even though our sticks weren’t very long most people burned them because the fire was really hot. Even though we had Smores, we had one of the best services ever with the ocean adjacent to us.

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The hole diggers were very tired by the end of this day. They worked hard and dug a huge hole! The goal of the digging wasn’t just for fun; it was to find a pipe. They found the pipe and everyone should feel great for completing the task they were asked to do! Even though I didn’t do this job, I feel that God was with them doing that. It may havent seemed like the best job ever or the most productive, but in the long run it was productive and God sent them to do that job.

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The roof crew took down their challenge to paint and sweep the roof! They looked over all of the camp and saw how beautiful it is and it showed what they were here for. Everyone that helped saw everything and how it really it helping and they thought that even the little things matter.


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Painting the wagon was the best job I have ever done! The wagon started out white and had nothing on it. We turned it into one of the best/fun looking wagons ever. We as a group had fun paining the wagon and splatter painting the inside and by the end of this job everything was messy and we all had a blast! Even though this was fun, God really came to mind this whole job. I saw the kids riding in it and it made my day. The look on their faces was priceless.

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Susanne and the crew stained the fire pit area. It took a very long time to do and it was hard work, but with everyone helping we almost completed the whole thing. One more day of work on this and we will complete the task!

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The Frappe place is flawless. Every flavor there is incredible. Do you know how I know? Because I took a sip from basically everyones. Yes, this place is better than Starbucks. This smoothie place needs to be in America because it is so good.  

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Joseph:Desktop:hunter blogs:DSC_0429.JPG

The end of the night ended in a blast. Yes, the car ride was 50 minutes, and taking about how John would cook Joe if he was stranded on a desert island was very interesting. Everyone was ready for the best night of their life because we were going to see Biolluminescent bacteria. Most of the people got in the water and it looked like glitter! It was amazing! We only had like five minutes in the water until we had to get out, but those five minutes were so worth the 50 minute drive.